Founded in 2017, the Association Régionale des Savoir-faire d’Excellence Normands (ARSEN) aims to bring together at regional level companies unified by their distinctive skills.
These companies, from a wide variety of sectors, all share the characteristic of mastering a specific “gesture”, sometimes unique, often inherited from an ancient tradition and passed down from worker to worker. A large majority of them have been awarded the prestigious “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” (EPV) label.
The association’s major strength lies in its ability to bring together renowned companies, some of which are hundreds of years old, with young start-ups that skilfully combine tradition and innovation.
The association's missions
The purpose of the ARSEN association is to create an exchange and support network between Normandy companies that have been awarded the “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” (Living Heritage Company) label by the State, and Normandy companies with excellent know-how. It is committed to promoting regional products through the organization of actions for the benefit of these companies, in particular meetings, exchanges of information, sponsorship and commercial communication and promotion actions at regional, national and export level, aimed at preserving know-how and the constant search for innovation.
In collaboration with the Normandy Region, ARSEN is committed to training young people and raising their awareness of trades requiring exceptional know-how, highlighting the skills of local companies. In a global approach, ARSEN contributes to strengthening the attractiveness of the region by developing skills and business opportunities for its members.

ARSEN's objectives
ARSEN is part of a global approach to attractiveness, developing know-how and business opportunities for its members.
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The association's ambitions
ARSEN’s ambition is to bring together regional companies with a wide range of skills. These companies, operating in sectors as varied as construction, textiles, beauty, luxury goods, industry, agri-food and decoration, are all linked to a territory or have direct links with the region’s history.
What is often overlooked is the fact that our Normandy companies are world-renowned for their skills. The association currently has 45 members, two-thirds of whom have been awarded the EPV (Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant) label, and is chaired by Luc Lesénécal, who is also President of Tricots Saint James.